Feedback and complaints


We encourage feedback about a personal/whānau experience or reaction to our services, including suggestions, compliments and informal complaints that provide opportunity for service improvement - all of which will be recorded in the Feedback and Complaint register. 

If you would like to give feedback, please use the contact form on our website here.


If you’d like to make a formal complaint regarding the standard, type or way in which a service is provided, or not provided, changed or withdrawn, please write to Kate Murray, Community Networks/LINK Manager, or Rebecca Karamaena, Alpine Community Development Trust (our governing body) Chair.

Kate Murray:

Rebecca Karamaena:

The following policy applies to complaints and feedback about our activities/services.


  • We understand your right to complain.

  • We respect your privacy and right to be treated with dignity.

  • We resolve complaints carefully and promptly and focus on early resolution of concerns.

  • We deal with complaints equitably, fairly and in an unbiased way.

  • We learn from the feedback we receive.


  • Complaints will be addressed as they are raised or in an early and timely way.

  • Parties will be kept informed and involved throughout the process.

  • Personal information will only be shared when required by law or policy.